There have been a few readers who have asked me what business books to recommend. I am not going to recommend textbooks, as you can go and do a CFA and read those books on their required list. If you are venturing into the business world, in particular in financial industry, be it research, brokerage, remisier, dealer, fund management or investment banking - these books are a good start. These books are well written, but more than that, its rooted in reality. In the corporate world, you need to appreciate how the different players interact, how to view various players, deciphering the motivations of various players... It should help enormously to have a sense of the kind of loyalty, integrity and egos running around.
Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis
Panic! by Michael Lewis
House of Cards by William D. Cohan

The Real Price of Everything by Michael Lewis
The Money Culture by Michael Lewis
The New, New Thing by Michael Lewis
p/s photos: Carmen Soo
CFA that The Crap & Funny Analyst being train to predict whatever the future earning might like to be which r based on flaw assumption of current earning model. It quite surprise that some of them like to project estimate earning for more than 3 years into the future because they knew nobody will keep a record on their performance after those years had already being passed !!!!!!
... nice Carmen Soo photos there. Wonder where it came from. Heh.
How about Confessions of a Stock Operator?
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