Reuben Puan wrote to Soo Ewe Jin of Star Biz on some EPF matters on beneficiaries. Soo forwarded the mail to EPF and got the official reply from EPF. The subject matter is important, do read the content and see if your beneficiary for your EPF and prevalent issues need your further attention:
Dear Reuben,
Thank you for your query which has been referred directly to me by Mr. Soo Ewe Jin.
Please find our responses below:
1. What precedes the EPF......the will or the EPF nomination?
The EPF nomination will always supercede the will.
2. Suppose I nominate 25% each for my son and daughter and the remainder 50% for my spouse, if an accident were to befall both of us, then what happen? Will my children be getting 50% each automatically?
Should an EPF member dies at the same time as his or her nominee, the nomination portion that was bequeathed to that nominee will be invalid. Therefore if an accident were to befall both you and your spouse, 50 percent cent of your EPF savings or the nomination portion which has been bequeathed to your spouse will be invalid.
This 50 per cent will be subjected to procedures under 'EPF savings without nomination' in which the first priority for the right to claim the member's savings goes to the appointed administrator of the deceased member's estate.
This therefore means that 50 per cent of your EPF's savings will not be paid automatically to your children.
3. Furthermore, if fate would have it that the 4 of us suddenly meet our maker, then what is the outcome?
The same principle applies as above i.e. the nominations will be invalid. In such a case, withdrawal of EPF savings will be subjected to procedures under EPF savings without nomination' in which the first priority for the right to claim the member's savings goes to the appointed administrator of the deceased member's estate.
The same principle applies as above i.e. the nominations will be invalid. In such a case, withdrawal of EPF savings will be subjected to procedures under EPF savings without nomination' in which the first priority for the right to claim the member's savings goes to the appointed administrator of the deceased member's estate.
I hope the above answers have helped to shed some light to your queries. If you have any other queries, please email me.
Thanks and best regards,
Nik Affendi Jaafar
General Manager,
Public Relations, EPF
p/s photos: Li Xiao Lu
1 comment:
Hi Dali,
Do your know what the estate tax. if the father died and how much of it will be taxed before passing onto the son.
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