I will probably have to repost this every other month, but its worth it. Strictly speaking, if I wanted to be a difficult a-hole, I will just say that its my blog - hence there is no need to explain or justify the pictures. But I will try to be nice so I will venture an answer:
I used to have to search for "intelligent photos" which somehow may relate to the topic of my posting, you can see from the first 2 years of postings. It was exhausting and not very fun at all. Posting has to have photos as its nicer to look at and more captivating. It takes me usually 15-20 minutes to write one posting, but I had to search another 20 minutes looking for a neutral photo.
Then I said to myself, its my blog, there is no need to look professional. Its all in the comments. If readers want to read it, they will read it. Why not put up photos I like to see. I am a very single hetrosexual guy. Hence I like pretty girls - or rather to look at them.
I don't just put up any girls, they have to be my type and have some jenaisequa' (pardon my Japanese) ... some readers prefer me not to post the photos, some really wanted me to. As for myself, I really wanted to as well. Plus they are never crude or too revealing. If you want to just look at girl photos, there are plenty of sites for that. I also take care not to "objectify" the women, hence it is imperative that I always put up their names as well - at least it won't be like Penthouse where the girls all have just one name like Amber, Shashay, Crimson, Vandii, etc...
Lastly, its branding. There are so many business related sites. At least these are distinguishing features that sets the blog apart. I also stated that I feature only Asian ladies because this is primarily an Asian business blog. I also know of some high ranking executives who find it cumbersome to read my blog at work - they kind of have to do it secretly in case they get misunderstood... "I am really looking for the articles!!!"... but that's the fun part of it.
What I post is to share, there is no fee or subscription, or membership... in exchange I would ask my readers to "pardon my habits and indulge me a bit".
p/s photos: Lena Fuji
Spot on. Its your blog, and we followers are in it for what it is.
Besides, the eye candy nicely balances the serious and heavy stuff you write about. If you ask me, this kind of (gentle) testosterone material are what drives us in our businesses anyway.
You write sensible and sometimes useful stuff and you post nice pictures. I like you blog. Do what you want as long as you do not break laws on sedition, libel, pornography, etc. or step on some VVVIP's tail,like RPK. Even then, its your choice and I would't pass any judgment and I will continue to read your postings.
I'm ur follower, I did the same way too. This is look like a motivation :)
Bro, just go ahead and do what you think best as long as it is pleasing to our eyes. After all it is your personal blog and free too.
I never fail visiting your blog, almost every day or even few times a day to see if there is any new posting.
I loves the pictures. It relax my mind and my eyes.
i support you also dali!! i think those pictures are nice and decent enough. You are also single so it is not like you are betraying your wife or gf. and those pictures were taken by the models for us to see... so what is the problem here...
on other note, dali..i bought aig shares at 1.05 last month.. i am planning to hold it for long term hoping the price will jump to 10 dollar in 3 years time..do you think it will happen? i am also worried if aig will go bust and those my money also bust...will tat happen? please advice... and do you have another overseas shares tat you think is good to buy?
thank you
Pix v re-freshing...
"jenaisequa" sounds like French, not Japanese. I wouldn't be here everyday for your blogs if not for the pics.
ty all who support the pics n my blog...
aig, its never going back to 10... to get back to ten is as if aig did not have the troubles they did ... the losses, dilution, new shares issued to gov will cap it... there is a danger tat if there r more "bad hidden assets" the company could be totally privatised... ie minority shareholders get zero.. I cannot tell u where to take profit as its a hard company to value... just decide to let the stock run... but if falls 10% then take profit... e.g. if its 1.50 today, then decide that if it falls by 15 cents in a week, sell. Do it for every week... Next week if it starts at 1.65, then sell if it falls by 16 cents in that week... that way, you will be able to ride the uptrend if it should go to 2.20 or 2.80 but u immediately take profit if the stock wobbles.
of course jenesequia is french... where got Japanese word that has Q... its such an obvious joke la..
Its your blog and all the points that you have quoted are very valid.
The pics are refreshing but not the reason why I visit.
icic..thanks a lot dali..i will keep tat in mind..then do you have any recommendations for overseas shares? i remembered you said Dryships from US will rebound when the economy recovers...the price is now around 8 dollar and 52 week range is 112..issit still a good buy?
did u manage to buy when it is at 3 dollars last time?
what about eye candy for your female readers then?? :)
Good one.
I googled to find your blog after The Star newspaper cease to update your articles.
Honestly i was taken a back by the pictures.
But seeing it as what it is, i find it a good retreat from the heavy and serious content.
Admire your personality.
A light side, try this noodles for lunch at Uncle Seng (SS15, along Hong Leong Bank branch). I like the braised pork noodles...
To-date, I have not seen you write on our technology or timber stocks in Malaysia. Any comment on Unisem, WTK or Java?
Just trying some luck on some low PE good O&G stocks like Petra. Hope to get yr views on them before privately shared them with some peers.
Keep up the good works. There is nothing wrong in those post. Anyway any target for the Bursa Malaysia to reach this year?
You have great taste and i love your photos. And your articles too of course :)
Whoaaa.... good taste you've got, hmmmm.....
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