Finance Asia: As the global economy twists and turns in a downward spiral, the Hong Kong government announced yesterday that it is appointing a task force to study the matter. Before you groan "we don’t need a task force, we need action", consider that if the government didn’t put together such a group to question how it should handle the global financial meltdown, observers would in hindsight question if the chief executive had done the right thing by his people.
In recent weeks, for example, Hong Kong’s regulators have been swamped by thousands of retail investor complaints that structured products backed by Lehman Brothers, which have since lost most of their value, were being misrepresented. A task force could help sort out what action, if any at all, needs to be taken in such situations – as well as a myriad of other potential problems that could crop up that need to balance out the rights of investors with the rights of financial institutions. And consider Bank of East Asia.
In late September, Hong Kong-listed mid-size lender Bank of East Asia had to stave off a run on deposits. Account holders rushed to withdraw their money despite continued assurances from regulators and management that the fifth largest bank in Hong Kong was financially stable. A task force can’t stop such a run per se, but it may help the government project a more assured voice that helps keep hysteria at bay and hopefully makes people think twice about taking banking advice from text messages, as many apparently did in the BEA case. But a task force is all about its members – and the list of enlisted folks is impressive.
The government has appointed 10 people, including Morgan Stanley Asia chairman Stephen Roach and Standard Chartered chairman Mervyn Davies, to the group assigned with the task of helping the city come to grips with the global financial crisis. Chief executive Donald Tsang will chair the first meeting, which will take place on November 3. Financial secretary John C Tsang will serve as deputy chairman. "The challenges ahead of us are daunting,” says chief executive Tsang in a press release. “The damage that the financial tsunami has inflicted on the global economy has yet to be fully revealed. We need to evaluate the situation, consider ways to respond, identify new opportunities, and ultimately enhance our international competitiveness." David Burton, the head of the International Monetary Fund in Asia Pacific, will attend the first meeting to update members on the global impact of the current financial crisis. The stated aims of the group are to assess the impact of what the government is calling “the financial tsunami” on the local economy and consider ways to respond. It will also formulate a work plan for the coming few months.
Other members of the task force make up a veritable Who’s Who of Hong Kong, including: Li & Fung’s chairman Victor Fung; HSBC's group general manager and global co-head of commercial banking Margaret Leung; KPMG partner Ayesha Macpherson; Johnson Electric Holdings chairman Patrick Wang; real estate agency Centaline's chairman Shih Wing-ching; the chairman of Roctec Futures Trading Co, K C Leong; Mathias Woo, the executive director of charitable international experimental theatre company Zuni Icosahedron; and Chinese University of Hong Kong vice-chancellor and president Lawrence J Lau.
It’s a balanced list spanning industry, real estate, the banking sector, charity, the government and academia. For sure, task forces are often known for simply presenting ideas that are never implemented, but they are also groups that simply by listening help the public vent frustration and they sometimes do actually come up with good policy ideas. Importantly, they can help bureaucrats think things through from more than just one perspective. Given the speed with which this financial crisis is unfolding, the proof of what type of task force this one will be will come soon enough.
Comments: Malaysia should learn to call upon "financial experts" and not just 4th floor or the same old same old.... there are plenty of financial strategists who can come up with solid solutions and ideas. You just need to also pay them, no national service mentality. Pay for quality and pay for insights. Or is it that vested interests are all over the place that we dare not recruit independent brilliant thinkers, as we cannot implement plans without ruining or stepping all over our vested interests? The smartest people in the world surround themselves with people smarter than themselves. Ronald Reagan was at best an actor but he had good oratory skills and recruited smart people - he was still the best US President for the last 40 years, though I really liked Bill Clinton as well.
p/s photos: Panward Hemmanee (you can catch her in Bangkok Dangerous with Nic Cage & Charlie Young)
hehe...too bad expert dont like having tan . If only they are a bit tanned like Louis Koo Tin Lok, then they can be of service to Malaysia
I suppose paid finanicial expert are then influenced by the people who pay them (who in this case will be Ministry of Finance) (hint: Who is the minister of finance now ?)
And how many of Malaysian Royal Commission reports are put straight into the bin ?
no need to be so cynical... if by yr argument then we should not pay people for advice ... when you don't pay, it usually cost you more in the end... ppl who do not receive payments upfront and in the clear would be expected to be compensated via some other ways... I'd rather we be upfront and tell all how much we paid for consultancy...
And...perhaps we should look into how many paid consultancy advices ended up in tears?
Moody and S&P were paid by issuer for advice, and they issued advice that the issuer wanted to hear. And look what happened.
Lehmans/Bear paid their executives millions for perfectly good advie that drove them to bankrupcy.
It is OK to pay, but the payment has to be from a neutral source.
Also, the pay must be linked to the outcome of their recomemndation (and this has to be able to go negative).
Excellent suggestion. We do have enough of the "best and brightest" within our Malaysian shores. And, you're right, you get what you pay for. This is something the Americans are always clear about.
Why the Malaysian government never do this, but instead, convene ineffectual Economic Councils.
Who is in a biggest hole ? Spore or HK ? Did the Chinese govt went in and support the Hang Seng last Tue ?
to me singapore is in a bigger hole... hk did not have the same ferocity in property surge as singapore over the past 3 years ... plus hk fortunes more tied to china now, and very hard to stop china... and yes I do think they bought heavily in hk stocks last few days
We must be realistic,pragmatic and not expecting for our existing "frog" to initiate "smart measures" that could reduce the negative impact of the ecomony meltdown as they had live under the same well since the 1957.....
This is particularly true when following comments were still prevails in our daily news:
"..there wouldn't be any downturn and we will be insulated from our earlier initiatives our export diversification to Asia region".
The true fact is more than 50% of our export earnings are still concentrated in US, Singapore, Japan, China and HK. With the down turn in USA....yet no impact to us ?????
The assumption for petrol = US125/barrel, palm oil = RM 2500/MT were use to projected 2009 earning.....yet no impact to us ?????
"The formation of PKNS is to serve the bumi interest. How can non bumi being appointed to lead us".
The reality is can we survive without meritocracy in the wake of globalization ?
Hence, We need miracle to save our motherland (perhaps, a miracle like new discovery of new oil reserve in west coast of peninsular) and more impotatantly to realign yr earning and spending pattern in anticipation of the next 2-3 years of great depression of 2009-2011.
"Asked what you can do to safeguard yourself; asked not what the country can safeguard your self".
Perhaps this is a more pragmatic attittude during the difficult periods.
"What type of people (majority) around; what type of government around".
Perhaps, we all together needs to change when come to the election in 2012-2013.
Good Day.
Well as they say if you pay peanuts you get monkeys but then again see how much they paid those in Wall Street and see what a mess those geniuses created that government servants on civil service pay have to clean up after them.....no hard & fast rules
Financial experts? Wasn't it the so called 'Financial Experts' aka IMF who told Malaysia to increase interest rates and reduce government spending during the 1997 financial crisis?
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