If Curlin, was magnificent, I will run out of adequate superlatives for Zarkava. Look at the length of her stride, yes its a she. And she is damn young, and she specialises in distance races. To be able to wear down your competition time after time, and mind you your competition have all won Group 1 races as well, and to beat them quite comprehensively every time was quite unbelievable.

Prix Vermeille Group 1 on 14 September 2008
Prix de Diane
Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe
She had a famous owner in The Aga Khan, hence the brilliant green colours. She has, in my opinion, the best jockey in the world currently, Christophe Soumillion onboard. of greatness Zarkava achieved in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe - and that means she is unlikely to be seen again.She is only 3 years old and she has just won the Arc de Triomphe!
In the euphoria that followed her theatrical success, the Aga Khan felt Zarkava had fulfilled her destiny. And this was not just a matter of her own talent: she had perfected nearly a century of breeding lore, shared between five generations of his family. As things stand, her legacy is immaculate, and that is precisely how the Aga Khan will want it to remain. He will not need reminding, moreover, that the foals produced by the last filly to win the Arc, Urban Sea, include Galileo, who won the Derby and has himself become an outstanding contributor to the gene pool.
Her best win was not in the Arc but in the Prix Vermille, look at the video, she missed the start and gave away 10 lengths to everyone.... and still beat them in the end. Its a Group 1 race for heaven's sake. Even after the Arc win, many handicappers were still refusing to rate her as the best around currently, sigh...She is now grudgingly rated as the highest rated horse jointly with Curlin... but she is barely 3 years old, and she is still unbeaten in 7 starts and have already notched 3 Group 1 races already.
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