Her songwriting ability is exceptional, in fact she has written hit songs for many, including Liang Jing Ru (Fish Leong). After the debacle with her previous label, she had to do it all again from afresh, starting her own production company, her own label.

If you talk about Malaysian singers who have made it big in Taiwan, there is Kuan Liang, Ping Kuan, Fish Leong, Penny Tai... to name a few .. seriously, I think Yu Heng is more talented than most of them. Her songwriting skills is the thing that will eventually allow her to shine. I sincerely believe she will find greater recognition than Tanya Chua and maybe on par with Stefanie Sun. Her voice is solid.
Funny thing is that though she is a very lovely looking girl but never wants to promote her career through her looks. Look at her concert poster! Just have a listen to her songs from her latest album from the links below and be blown away.
OMG, each and every original song is sooo solidly goood ...

Armed with that new album and her barrage of new songs in her inventory for the future, how not to succeed. This showcase will be her last in Malaysia for a while as she will be leaving to live in Taiwan for a long while to chart her career. I don't even need to wish her success cause I know she will be very famous, not just a pretty face.
Do I write as if I know her? Yes, I do know her, and I am so lucky to know her before she is really famous... hope she remembers me later when she makes it.

日期:24/03/2012 (六)
地点:Celebrities Hall of Music (Suite L-6-3A, SohoKL, Solaris Mont Kiara)
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Sounds like my famous Malaysian director/actor friend.
Yu Herng has been around a long long time. Looking at the pictures I think this could be her 3rd makeover. She is a good song writer, she wrote Fish's hit, 'hue hu xi de toong' or 'a breathing heartache' which won Fish the Yu Xue Jiang (Malaysian song fest). It was heart wrenching to hear how, despite how Yu Herng wants to save that song for her own album, probably for practical reasons, she had to let Fish have it. I am not as optimistic as Dali that she wil make it big as a performer as there is no x factor where her voice or appearance go. Make it big as a song writer, more likely.
Hi, Thanks for sharing this info. I am just curious, what is her company name? Her story is so inspiring :) Can't wait to hear more of her soon!
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