Friday, July 18, 2008

Wine Buffs Or Winos - Must Read

Don't you love it when the pretentious get it up the proverbial place. This would be a lovely early Christmas present to those snobs and pretentious bastards. The brilliant thing is that the book is entirely based on a real event. Hardy Rodenstock created a fake wine and managed to sell millions of dollars of it. Malcolm Forbes, the publisher of Forbes, paid 105,000 British pound for a bottle of Chateau Lafite 1787, yup thats the fake. Well, pretty much in line with the quality of Forbes the publication (yes, i think Forbes the magazine is very third rate) - same owner, same product, same line of thinking ... Even the very much smarter Marvin Shanken, the publisher of Wine Spectator and Cigar Aficionado, bought a half bottle of Rodenstock's wine for US$30,000.

The book is to be made into a movie, yippee ... its brilliantly funny, smart, deception-ladened, making smart people to turn into lunatics, what more you want in a book. The book is called THE BILLIONAIRE'S VINEGAR, written by Benjamin Wallace.

Wine buffs, cigar aficionados, purveyors of finer things in life ... don't take yourself and the subject matter too seriously... never use your additional knowledge to lord over people ... don't be a pretentious bastard ... enjoy these things if you must ... its a privilege not a right


Anonymous said...

Hi Dali,

Do you think you will be adding more good chinese music on your player?


Victor AY said...

Hi Dali,

Reading this article reminds me of the book Blink - Malcolm Gladwell. On the book, there was a story on the selling of a fake greek statue to the museum. If only the staff had the intuition and know that things are not right, they don't need to spend much time delving into the issue.

Anonymous said...

Hi Dali,

I can see some new additions, cheers, unfortunately, the new player doesn't seem to play/execute on my computer. sigh.
Don't really know why, i don't think i have a really slow connection. Anyway, much appreciated.


MP said...

"pretentious bastards" ... yeah loads of them every generation. Good one LOL