Asian Business Issues - Rants & Raves, Illusions & Collusions etc.
Saturday, April 05, 2014
If Women Used Pick Up Lines
Naturally this came from Cosmopolitan .... you know the cheesy pick up lines used by the inferior gender, mostly crass and stupid lines at best. Even the cleaner ones such as "Heaven must be missing an angel ..." would come across as formulaic at best. People who use pick up lines are trying to get something by offering very little of themselves. Lines are just that, lines ... just be yourself. However, if women use pick up lines, most of them would work very well I am sure. Cosmo asked for suggestions and compiled the best. My favourite is the last one.
As a former female colleague used to say to me "Dream on ..."
These are very good pick up lines for the I wish some hot chicks would use it on me..haha!! Nice one!!
well, these are all very inspiring lines
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