Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Target Internet Marketing

In this internet age, the frequency of hits dictates everything. Frequency of hits also indicates popularity, and probability of success. Target marketing in the new age. I am pretty sick and tired of being greeted daily, when I switch on my computer, that I need my penis to be enlarged. Not just me, even my female friends are suspected to need penis enlargements - how do they know?! As if that doesn't get you down, they then offer you truckloads of viagra and cialis - man, if only I get so much action each week. Maybe can buy some for your grandfather so that he doesn't pee on his feet everytime.

Now I don't play 4D anymore, f*** I am now winning 3 to 4 lotteries a DAY!

First its the Nigerians, then Arabs, now Asians... all very sloppy with excess funds and people dying without a will ... enough already, I don't want so much money especially since they do not belong to me in the first place. Some more, I already can win a few lotteries each day, I don't need your tainted money.


cin said...

This blog is intelligent, whimsical,...and certainly enriching...,

But this blog is not without its shortcomings; e.g, offending the Chelsea fans for nothing, some foul language used here and there...

Like Dorraid said,you have class which others may not have - I believe you can eat char koay teow with style too!

"...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think (write) about such things..."

rask3 said...


SalvadorDali said...


So called shortcomings: insulting Chelsea fans, hey its fair game from a die hard M.U. fan, as a club that thinks its #1 in the world just overnight, I think throwing darts at them is OK, sure, can also throw back at me but pls have some points. I don't just whack you, I try to whack with some reasons, and the reasons are always there, you may not agree but hey thats what makes the world go around, ... its definitely not a shortcoming of a blog

Using foul language - I am a common person, this is not a distilled site. I write as I speak. Swearing adds oomph to thing we say or describe, and can add colour and emphasis. I am not apologising for swearing, I think its fucking beautiful and appropriate. Neither is there a need to over justify swearing, it just is, its real and profanity is reality.

I love that last quotge from the Bible, but I am not a keeper or orater of lovely things only. I write about all things which makes me laugh, smile, cry or tear my remaining hair out. It not a niceities blog, its me, warts and all. Hope that clarify matters... cheers.